Simplify online meeting and optimize meeting experience
Shorten meeting URL
Create a shorten link for you meeting. Share the link with colleges or customers and make it easy to join and don't bothered by the messy link.

Customized meeting link
Create a customized link for you meeting. Show your name or brand. Make it easy to remember and quick to recognize for you and your attendees.

Personal meeting room
Create a consistent meeting link. So there is no need to share link endlessly for meeting and easy to integrate link to your CRM.

Preview Images
Add a preview image to your meeting link. Make it more attractive and impressive. So that your attendees can easily recognize your meeting.

Create meeting in one click
Create a meeting link in one click. No need to fill out the form for every meeting. Just click and start your meeting. Also don't disturb others by avoid noisily ringing.

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Introduction to Meet Plus Meeting Room
Introduction to Meet Plus meeting Room.

How to Lead an Efficient Online Meeting
Online meetings have became more popular, it's time to learn how to lead an efficient online meeting.

Introduction to Meet Plus
We made a Microsoft Teams extension, so you hopefully won't get frustrated when using meetings.